NVI Technical College Information
Market Feasibility
Geographic Breakdown
• Implying a high demand for technical-related jobs within the
Key Takeaways
region. The region's distribution is in line with its share of the
• Proximity to students is critical to determining business locations.
The geographic spread of technical and trade schools in the
• Florida is a regional powerhouse, accounting for 8.3% of national
United States is consistent with each region's population share.
industry establishments because of its substantial share of the
nation's population and the presence of many industries.
• Technical and trade schools require a lot of hands-on training, so
schools compete for students within their local area. However,
The West is home to the second-highest concentration in the
this basis of competition is becoming less critical as online
education becomes more readily available.
• The West has a huge number of trade schools as it holds a large
portion of the nation's population. Many of these consumers
Business Locations
have higher disposable income, and intense competition for jobs
Where are industry businesses located?
in the region makes higher education more important to
successful employment.
The Southeast region accounts for the highest proportion of
industry revenue and establishments
• California, which has the highest share of the domestic
• The Southeast region is attractive as the region contains a large
population at 11.9%, is the leading state within the region, with
number of manufacturing plants and facilities,
13.7% of industry establishments.
Source: Wert-Berater Feasibility Studies, LLC and IBISWorld
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