NVI Technical College Information
Market Feasibility
Students between 25 to 34 years old are the most tech savvy
• Students between the ages of 20 and 24 have grown strongly as
• Despite the large population of this age group being considered
prime customers of vocational education providers, since they
tech-savvy, their unemployment rates are higher than the
haven't yet had the time to acquire experience that would negate
national average. This, coupled with the generation's openness to
the need for vocational training.
changing careers more frequently, makes this age group a large
consumer of the industry's services.
Students aged 65 and older are becoming a larger share of
• This segment's share of revenue has increased because of its
• Students in this age group are retired or soon-to-be-retired
growing willingness to change to technological-oriented
individuals who enroll in technical and trade schools for self
occupations, though many in this age range will instead seek
improvement or recreation, rather than employment purposes.
training from a college or university.
• Over the past five years, students over 65 have increased as a
Students under 25 years old only account for a minor share of
share of industry revenue as more baby boomers entered the
industry revenue
retiring age range. Improving healthcare and dropping birth rates
• Most institutions require that students have a high school
are making the US population older on average, making this
diploma or have passed an equivalency test, such as the General
segment a larger share of the nation's population and the
Education Development test.
industry's students.
Source: Wert-Berater Feasibility Studies, LLC and IBISWorld
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