NVI Technical College Information

New Village Institute Page 3

was observed in the hazardous substance and petroleum product storage areas or in the vicinity of the ASTs. Housekeeping at the facility was observed to be generally good. No RECs were identified in connection with the current operations. • All six automotive service bays have a trench drain which discharges to a dedicated underground oil/water separator (OWS). Each of the six OWSs were reportedly pumped out and inspected annually by a local contractor, however, records associated with prior servicing were not available for review. The OWSs were last pumped and cleaned in 2019 and will be pumped out and cleaned by New Village Institute on an as needed basis. According to information presented in previous ESA reports reviewed, each OWS is of composite plastic construction and was installed between 2003 and 2008. Based on the age, construction and nature of previous operations (trade school), the OWSs are not considered a REC. • The subject property is located in an area comprised of light industrial and commercial properties with areas of undeveloped land. Review of readily available historical information reveals that the properties surrounding the subject property historically consisted of undeveloped or agricultural land until William Penn Highway was constructed south of the subject property between 1939 and 1955. Surrounding properties remained relatively unchanged until approximately 2002 when the current Penn Machine Co. building was constructed northwest of the subject property beyond Innovation Drive and the current office building was constructed east of the southern subject property parcel. By 2008, the National Center for Defense Manufacturing and Machining was developed to the west of the subject property. Between 2008 and 2010, the current light industrial buildings and office building were constructed north of the subject property beyond Innovation Drive. No RECs or environmental concerns were identified associated with the historical or current use of the surrounding properties.

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