NVI Technical College Information

Market Feasibility

Industry Job Growth and Demand

would be shifted or lost from 2018 to 2028. The 2018 number of

As presented, the estimates provided by the U.S. Bureau of Labor

jobs estimate was about 770,100 nationwide. Annual demand was

Statistics indicated that overall within type occupations related to

expected to decrease by about 640 per year.

the certifications offered by the management of the Company, job

Overall, however, the number of jobs is anticipated to change from

growth is mostly positive whereas the greatest percentage increase

the 2018 estimate of about 1,232,500 in 2018 to about 1,261,550 by

from 2018 to 2018 of 5.0 percent was among the 5) Diesel Service

2028, a net change of about 1,470 annually or 14,700 over the 10

Technicians and Mechanics which is anticipated to increase from

year period.


about 285,300 to 299,565 over a period of 10-years, thereby adding

about 13,800 new positions, or about 1,380 annually.

This data concerns new job creation and does not account for those

persons shifting or adding to skills whereby certifications are sought.

4) Automotive Body and Glass Repairers indicated the next largest

The management of the Company anticipates about 800 students

forecasted growth concerning percentage growth rate terms at

annually, which is about 54.4 percent of all new jobs anticipated to

about 4.0 percent from 2018 through 2028.

The estimated

be created by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. However, again,

employment was about 177,100 in 2018, anticipated to increased by

conversations with the management of the Company many students

about 7,300 or about 730 annually.

seeking certifications are already employed, and their employers are

demanding certifications for pay raises or other advancement

1), 2), 3) Automotive Service Technicians and Mechanics was

opportunities. Others are job shifting. Based on this data, the

indicated to have slightly minus growth whereas about 6,400 jobs

demand appears competitive, yet stable for vocational schools.

Source: Wert-Berater Feasibility Studies, LLC


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