NVI Technical College Information
Market Feasibility
Supplier: Purchase costs are varied
• Trade and technical schools vary widely in focus, so the industry
Key Takeaways
as a whole has a huge number of suppliers.
• The industry is highly fragmented, and no single school accounts
for more than 5.0% of industry revenue. There are no major
• As education institutions, though, vocational schools will need
companies in this industry.
administrative supplies and computer software to support the
increasingly presence of online learning.
• Each school primarily serves the local area. As a result, technical
schools don't expand countrywide, limiting their ability to
• Some trade schools benefit greatly from solid relationships with
comprise a larger market share.
suppliers of key teaching materials that give them discounts or
added services, as the successful training of new workers in an
industry will
help sustain demand from many input
manufacturers' other buyers.
• This is especially helpful in welding, electrician and other
vocational schools that depend more on specialized equipment
and machinery.
Source: Wert-Berater Feasibility Studies, LLC and IBISWorld
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