NVI Technical College Information
Market Feasibility
Business certification and business coaching schools
Buyer: Swapping to alternatives
• Courses in office procedures and secretarial and stenographic
• Prospective students consider the costs of attending before
skills serve as an alternative to the management training
deciding to enroll in a vocational school and may choose to
programs offered by many trade and technical schools.
attend a community college if the cost is too high.
• Still, these programs are an addition to trade schools' curriculums
• Tuition fees often depend on the course; the more capital
and don't make up the entirety of the education students at one
intensive it is, the higher the costs.
of the industry's schools receive.
• Online courses are mitigating these prices, though, giving
• Business training and management programs require far less
vocational schools more room to adjust tuition fees.
labor and capital investment, so other colleges, universities and
business programs can easily offer these courses. Trade schools
• Government and private assistance also protect trade and
need to ensure their business-focused training programs are up
technical schools from severe influence from buyers, as the
to-standard with the wide range of readily available substitutes.
existence of loan and grant programs limits the burden on the
industry's institutions to make courses affordable to current
Buyer & Supplier Power
disposable income levels.
What power do buyers and suppliers have over the industry?
Source: Wert-Berater Feasibility Studies, LLC and IBISWorld
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