NVI Technical College Information

Market Feasibility

Market Saturation

Technology and Systems

There's still room for new entrants, especially in niche segments, as

Online courses are enabling vocational institutions to deliver classes

technology becomes more prevalent daily life. The aging population

to more students without incurring extra rental costs. Online courses

represents a prospective market for vocational schools that cater to

have provided a platform for growth and are helping to sustain both

the healthcare sector.

revenue growth and profit.


Products and Markets


In recent years, vocational schools gradually introduced programs

Key Takeaways

accredited by large organizations to cater to students seeking job

• Flight training is the most lucrative service segment. Flight

related certificates. Schools are also partnering with more potential

training takes many hours behind expensive equipment with

employers to boost the benefits of enrollment.

qualified instructors, enabling aviation schools to justify a higher



Even though industry revenue fluctuates with economic

• Before the pandemic, demand for cosmetology and barber

performance, stable government funding has kept many vocational

courses was growing at a steady pace. Nonetheless, rising

schools from exiting the market. Economies of scale aren't readily

inflation in 2023 will pressure demand for these courses as

available, so merger and acquisition activities only occur

customers frequent salons less often when disposable income



Source: Wert-Berater Feasibility Studies, LLC and IBISWorld


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