NVI Technical College Information
Market Feasibility
Online courses as a teaching medium continue to trend upward
New technologies will spur demand from older workers
• Vocational schools are set to continue benefitting by introducing
• As innovation continues across many sectors and new specialized
online classes. These classes are cheaper to run, as they instruct
machines are introduced to streamline operations in
more students per instructor and don't require physical locations.
manufacturing and mining industries, existing employees will
This is set to keep profit high through 2028.
need additional training to properly run advanced technology.
• Online tutoring service providers will emerge as a more
• Strong and continually rising corporate profit will enable
threatening base of competition, though. These companies
employers to pay for trade school education for their employees,
provide academic courses primarily via the internet, directly
especially older workers with less experience in the most recent
competing with vocational schools.
• Trade and technical schools also compete with community
Life Cycle
colleges, as these institutions offer similar services. However,
Why is the industry mature?
courses offered by vocational schools are more job-specific and
have better reputations that help students justify the higher price
Contribution to GDP
of enrollment.
Industry Value Added (IVA) is lagging behind US GDP growth,
indicating its lackluster contribution to the overall economy and its
position in the mature phase of the life cycle.
Source: Wert-Berater Feasibility Studies, LLC and IBISWorld
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