NVI Technical College Information
New Village Institute Page 26
A subject property reconnaissance was conducted by VERTEX representative Amanda Turner, Environmental Scientist, on January 11, 2024, between 9:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. Mr. Bret Gardner, Director of Operations with New Village Institute, escorted VERTEX during the subject property visit and answered questions regarding subject property operations. During the subject property visit, the weather was sunny with a temperature of approximately 35 o Fahrenheit. The subject property visit consisted of a walk-through of the subject property and visual reconnaissance of neighboring properties from curbside. Photographic documentation of the subject property visit is included in Appendix A.
Access Restrictions
VERTEX visually and physically observed accessible areas of the subject property. The interior and exterior of the subject property building were observed. Only portions of the buildings roofs were accessed during the subject property visit. No additional limitations imposed by physical obstructions or other limiting conditions were observed.
Subject Property Observations
Observations of subject property conditions were made during the subject property reconnaissance and are summarized in the table below. Issues of potential concern are discussed in greater detail following the table.
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