NVI Technical College Information
New Village Institute Page 20
Topographic Maps
VERTEX reviewed historical topographic maps including the subject property and surrounding areas. Copies of the topographic maps are included in Appendix E. A summary of information obtained from the review is provided in the table below.
1920, 1921, 1922, 1944 1964, 1973, 1981
The subject property is depicted as undeveloped, except for a road across the southern portion of the property. The subject property is depicted as undeveloped, except for a road across the southern portion of the property.
Surrounding properties are depicted as primarily undeveloped, except for a road west of the subject property and a few small, likely residential buildings east and west of the subject property. Surrounding properties are depicted as primarily undeveloped, except for a road west of the subject property and a few small, likely residential buildings east and west of the subject property. South of the subject property is Highway 22, beyond which is undeveloped land. Relatively unchanged except that wheat appears to be a well is depicted northeast of the Subject property. Only roads and landmark structures are depicted on this map. No structures are depicted on the surrounding properties.
Relatively unchanged.
None – See below
Only roads and landmark structures are depicted on this map. WyoTech Blairsville school is depicted on the subject property.
What appears to be a well is depicted to the northeast of the subject property on the 1993 topographic map. Additionally, an oil and gas production well was mapped approximately 100 feet northeast and hydraulically cross to downgradient from the subject property in the EDR report. According to the PADEP Oil & Gas Reporting Website, the permit number for this well is 063-24150 and the well is located on George J. Cornell Farm. According to the well production records, natural gas was produced from the well between 2000 and 2007. At the time of the subject property reconnaissance by VERTEX, the area in which the well was mapped consisted of undeveloped land. The review of historical topographic maps did not identify environmental concerns in connection with the subject property.
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