NVI Technical College Information

New Village Institute Page 7 carpet, and acoustical ceiling tiles. Warehouse portions of the buildings were largely unfinished with concrete floors and exposed undersides of the roof decks. Exterior areas on-site consist of asphalt-paved parking lots and driveways, concrete sidewalks, a gravel-covered area north of 408 Cornell Road, fencing, and garbage enclosures, with the remainder of the subject property occupied by landscaped areas.

For a layout of the subject property, please refer to Figure 2 - Schematic. Photographic documentation of the subject property and surrounding areas is presented in Appendix A.


Tenant Operations

The subject property is occupied by the New Village Institute, an auto trade school / educational facility for careers in the automotive and truck repair industries, which began operating at the subject property in 2022. The subject property was vacant from approximately December 2018 until 2022, and prior to December 2018, were occupied by Wyotech University, which also operated an auto trade school / educational facility. The former Wyotech University buildings were renovated by the current occupant in 2021. General on-site operations consist of automobile repair for educational purposes, automobile painting and upholstery, administrative office operations, and classroom instruction. Four paint booths are utilized in the painting area. VERTEX observed various hazardous substances and petroleum products at the subject property. Please refer to Section 7.2 for discussion of on-site observations. No evidence of spills or a release was noted in the hazardous substance/petroleum product storage areas, with the exception of de minimis staining observed under engine storage areas within a warehouse portion of the

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