Jim Bruce Auction Proposal
Ben Hocevar Account Manager 985-590-8845 ben@hendersonauctions.com www.motor-series.com
Memorabilia, Collector Car, Jim Bruce Collection Collector Clock, & Motorcycle Auction
November 29, 2022 Dear Mr. Bruce, Henderson Auctions is honored to have the opportunity to present this proposal to sell your phenomenal collection at auction. After consultation with our Marketing Department, we believe that the most effective marketing campaign would be to feature your collection in our two upcoming 2023 Collector Motor Series Auctions. Along with your collector cars and motorcycles, we would feature a carefully curated number of pieces from your collection in our May 6, 2023, Collector Motor Series Auction. We would then sell approximately half of your total collection in an online only, timed auction the following week. Following these auctions, another attentively curated portion of your collection would then be featured in our October 2023 Collector Motor Series Auction. The remainder of your collection would be presented in an online only, timed auction in the subsequent week. May 6, 2023, Auction Schedule of Events • Early December 2022 our marketing and auction coordinating members visit your facility to decide on the logistics of the auction. We would then agree on items selling in the May 6, 2023 Live Auction and agree on pieces selling in the online only auction (possibly two days), Friday, May 12th through Saturday, May 13th. We would also agree on selling the remainder of your collection in both our October 2023 Collector Motor Series Live Auction and another following online only auction. • Early December 2022 our marketing team will take extensive general photos and videos for our initial general auction marketing. Gather information on the unique and varied pieces to begin our marketing strategy for each distinctive group. (e.g., signage, jukeboxes, Louisiana specific iconic pieces, etc...) We utilize micro-marketing, developing a very specific marketing reach for each type of item. • December 2022 through January 2023 our inventory and auction setup crew will catalog, lot, photograph, and get detailed descriptions of the February, May, and October online only and live auction lots. Our marketing team devises two marketing strategies for the May 6, 2023, and the October 2023 online only auctions. • January through April we will begin our unique marketing strategy for your collection that is bundled with all our general May 6, 2023, auction marketing. • Early April we carefully transport the selected vehicles and memorabilia to our secure storage facility in Birmingham, Alabama.
• Friday, May 5th VIP Preview Party • Saturday, May 6th Collector Motor Series Auction • Thursday, May 11th Online Only Auction Preview (10am-3pm)
• Friday, May 12th (and possibly Saturday, May 13th) Online Only Auction selling memorabilia. • Monday, May 15th through Friday, May 19th Load-Out for the May 12th online only auction. October 28, 2023 Auction Schedule of Events • Early June 2023 our marketing team begins preparing for the October 2023 auction bundling the October 2023 online only auction into our marketing. • Friday, October 27, 2023, VIP Preview Party (Date tentative) • Saturday, October 28, 2023, Collector Motor Series Auction (Date tentative) • Thursday, November 2, 2023, Online Only Auction Preview (10am-3pm) (Date tentative) • Friday, November 3, 2023 (and possibly Saturday, November 4, 2023) Online Only Auction selling memorabilia. • Monday, November 6th through Friday, November 10th Load-Out for the November 3rd online only auction. Collector Clock Collection February 9, 2023 Online Only Auction • Early January target specific marketing, utilizing social media, social media groups, estate sale platforms, and geo-targeting (www.nawcc.org, www.newtimesslo.com upcoming and past events). • Thursday, February 9, 2023 Online Only Auction selling the collector clock collection. Henderson Auctions is uniquely positioned to infuse our auction marketing campaign(s) with equal doses of expediency and ingenuity. Through our award-winning in-house marketing team, we will deploy enhanced marketing solutions including target specific geo-fencing designed to reach optimal buyers for your unique auction items, lead generation and management through trade specific website platforms, auction specific platforms, B2B retail marketing and our internal customer base of 63,000 buyers and sellers. Our international, national, regional, and local level marketing puts your items in front of millions of potential buyers. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is critical to the success of internet marketing. Our SEO experts will ensure that you are receiving the highest amount of web traffic possible on our user-friendly auction platform and mobile app. We also utilize traditional printed advertising formats including but not limited to; trade publications, statewide newspapers, regional newspapers, and press releases. We appreciate the opportunity to offer our proposal and thank you for your kind consideration. Please call with any questions or concerns. Ben Hocevar
Collector Motor Series Account Manager 225-363-8488 or 985-590-8845 ben@hendersonauctions.com
Marketing Information Collector Motor Series Auction
Thank you for consigning your automobile, motorcycle, and memorabilia with Henderson Auctions. Our sixty-six years in the auction industry makes Henderson Auctions the perfect partner to get you the highest net yields on your auction items. The May 6, 2023 and the October 2023 Collector Motor Series Auction held at the Barber Vintage Motorsports Museum is on task to set industry records. Our global customer base and award winning marketing team will shine a spotlight on your extraordinary automobile.
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Social Media Target Marketing
International Platform: Classic Driver
Marketing Information Collector Motor Series Auction
Brand Positioning and Brand Awareness on Industry Related Wesites
Website SEO Optimization
Industry Related Print and Digital Publications
Paid Target Market Google Ads
Aggressive Digital/Social Media Marketing...and it shows.
Not Just Local...Global Buyers in 237 Unique Countries.
Seller Agreement Collector Motor Series Auction
Jim Bruce 8570 Wildwood Dr. 225-205-6054
Denham Springs, LA 70706 jhbruce@yahoo.com
TERMS: BUYER: SUCCESSFUL BIDDER AT AUCTION | OWNER: OWNER AND CONSIGNOR OF AUCTION ITEM(S) AUCTIONEER: HENDERSON AUCTIONS CLOSING: THE COMPLETION OF TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP TITLE OF AUCTION ITEM FROM OWNER TO BUYER. This Auction Agreement is entered into by HENDERSON AUCTIONS of Livingston, Louisiana, hereinafter referred to as AUCTIONEER , and OWNER listed above Hereinafter collectively referred to as OWNER under the following terms and conditions: Henderson Auctions agrees to conduct a public auction sale of the following described property belonging to the OWNER. Auction to be conducted at The Barber Vintage Motorsports Museum, 6030 Barber Motorsports Parkway, Leeds, Alabama 35094 on Saturday, May 6, 2023 at 10am. OWNER agrees to pay AUCTIONEER for the services rendered by AUCTIONEER a commission that is a percentage of the hammer price for sales of assets listed on Addendum A to this agreement, from all sales made during the period of the Agreement whether such sales are made at public auction, by private sale or in any other manner. The commission percentage rate will be in accordance with the Auction Fee Schedule below. At the time of signing this Agreement, OWNER has entered into an Agreement to deliver and offer their assets for sale by Henderson Auctions for the reserve price stated, unless the assets are marked in this Agreement to be auctioned without reserve. The reserve price is an expected selling price that is inclusive of the auction commission. The Auctioneer reserves the right to lower the commission in order to sell the car with the OWNER’s net figure being unchanged. The OWNER may verbally agree to lower the reserve price during the auction process. If an asset is checked into the auction and does not cross the auction block to be offered for sale because the OWNER has withdrawn the asset from the Auction, the OWNER agrees to pay the sale commission in full plus Buyer’s Fee on the stated reserve price unless specific written authorization is obtained from Henderson Auctions. OWNER agrees if he/she is the successful high bidder on his/her own consigned asset, OWNER will pay AUCTIONEER the appropriate commission plus Buyer’s Premium. “Without Reserve” means that the vehicle will sell to the highest bidder regardless of the price. These must be offered as Without Reserve prior to any bids being taken. “With Reserve” means the OWNER may place a minimum protective price on the vehicle. Where allowed by state law, AUCTIONEER may bid on behalf of the OWNER up to the stated reserve. **If your vehicle does not sell for the reserve, no commission fee is charged** Page 1 | Owner Initials _________
Questions? Call or Email: Ben Hocevar | 225.363.8488 ben@hendersonauctions.com Auctioneer: J. Henderson AL Lic# 5524
Barber Vintage Motorsports Museum | Birmingham, AL Saturday | May 6, 2023 & October 2023 | 10am
Auction Fee Schedule
1. Entry/Marketing fees are non-refundable and do not apply to commission. Marketing includes International Online Bidding with unlimited photos and video, Publication print ads (Tier 1/Premium Auction Package Listing including www.classicmotorsforsale.com, Hemmings, Old Cars, classics.autotrader.com, etc.), Social Media Advertising, Web banners and auction listings on related sites (ClassicCars.com, hemmings.com), global digital target marketing, person to person marketing at car shows, car auctions, association meetings, etc...), newspapers, signs (Lamar bill board signs, brochure and flier listings). 2. AUCTIONEER will charge the successful bidder a buyer’s premium of 10% (Ten Percent) for automobiles, motorcycles, and scooters and 20% (Twenty Percent) for memorabilia. This fee applies to the successful bidder only, of each item. 3. OWNER and AUCTIONEER agree that all checks shall be made payable to HENDERSON AUCTIONS. AUCTIONEER will be allowed a period of 15 banking days from the sale date in which to remit to OWNER his/her portion of the proceeds from said auction.
Page 2 | Owner Initials _________
Seller Agreement Collector Motor Series Auction
4. AUCTIONEER shall use OWNER’S name and in his/her behalf act fully and to the same extent as OWNER could do personally, to execute all necessary deeds, bills of sale, conveyances, and other instruments to every nature necessary or convenient to the carrying out the power of sale herein granted and the transfer of title to the property herein described to the respective buyers thereof. 5. OWNER hereby agrees to sell the above-mentioned property to the highest bidder and deliver to the purchaser Bills of Sale and Titles free and clear of ALL liens and encumbrances. 6. OWNER promises and agrees that the above described property must be delivered to Barber Vintage Motorsports Museum (6030 Barber Motorsports Parkway, Leeds, Alabama 35094) from 7:00am to 8:00pm (CST) on Wednesday, May 3, 2022 and from 7:00am to 8:00pm (CST) or Thursday, May 4, 2022. In the event of a failure of OWNER to deliver said property, or if OWNER shall breach this Agreement, said OWNER agrees to pay the full commission and advertising costs as provided above plus any other damages that may occur to AUCTIONEER due to breach of Agreement or failure to deliver. Commission to be based on the fair market value of said vehicle(s), as determined by the reserve price set by OWNER or value determined by third-party appraiser of AUCTIONEER’s choosing. 7. OWNER agrees that after the execution of this Agreement, and throughout the term of this Agreement, that OWNER will not sell, or cause to be sold, any of the property described in this Agreement, save and except through the AUCTIONEER. 8. AUCTIONEER shall have the right, after receiving their compensation as provided herein, to use the residual funds to first pay true liens which are shown in the exhibits attached hereto or which may be brought to their attention, and which are not listed in said exhibits. 9. There is a $50 Title fee for each titled item. 10. Neither party shall be liable to the other for any inconsequential or direct losses or costs such as loss of profit or loss of sales. 11. Title: The Auctioneer must have title at time of check-in. Lost title applications or titles-in-transit must be cleared with AUCTIONEER in advance and may or may not be accepted. Serial number must match the title and be proper. All vehicles must be able to be legally titled. Final sale confirmation may be delayed until state authorities determine that your vehicle is legal to be titled. 12. In the event of a purchaser’s failure to comply with the terms of sale, we will first attempt to resell the vehicle to another buyer for the same price. Failing that, the sale may be null and void. The Auction Company and/or OWNER may agree to pursue legal action to complete the sale, this may involve sharing the risk and expense of such action.
Page 3 | Owner Initials _________
Questions? Call or Email: Ben Hocevar | 225.363.8488 ben@hendersonauctions.com Auctioneer: J. Henderson AL Lic# 5524
Barber Vintage Motorsports Museum | Birmingham, AL Saturday | May 6, 2023 & October 2023 | 10am
13. Insurance coverage must be provided against all perils and loss by OWNER including damage caused by another party. OWNER shall indemnify and hold harmless Henderson Auctions and Barber Vintage Motorsports Museum from and against all liability, loss, and damage arising from acts, incident, or accident. OWNER assumes full responsibility for his own consigned assets. Insurance responsibility passes to new buyer when the auctioneer declares vehicle(s) sold. OWNER’s insurance is the only insurance covering the operation and storage of OWNER’s vehicle. OWNER agrees to allow Henderson Auctions and its agents to move OWNER’s vehicle at OWNER’s risk, including driving and parking. 14. The term of this Agreement expires sixty (60) calendar days after the date of the Auction. If the consigned assets in this Agreement are sold within the term of this Agreement (whether sold by AUCTIONEER, OWNER, or others), OWNER agrees that the sale for those assets was made possible by the marketing efforts of the AUCTIONEER and OWNER agrees to pay to the AUCTIONEER the agreed upon commission percentage plus the Buyer’s Premium percentage calculated as determined by the reserve price set by OWNER or value determined by third-party appraiser of AUCTIONEER’s choosing. 15. Vehicles must be accurately described by OWNER including items working poorly or not working, description, history and mileage and any facts that may affect the selling price. 16. All vehicles that are “frame damaged” or have titles that read “salvage”, “Rebuilt”, “Insurance Totals”, or “Branded” are required to be declared in writing on the description line of this Agreement at the time of the Agreement’s execution. Failure to do so may result in sale rejection. Sale rejection for any of these reasons will make the OWNER subject to all auction sale fees. These fees may be withheld from any funds due to OWNER from this Auction or future Auctions. 17. NON-DISCLOSURE OF THIS AGREEMENT: OWNER agrees to not share this Agreement, nor disclose the terms of this agreement with anyone who is not a party to this Agreement. OWNER acknowledges that to do so will cause significant harm to the AUCTIONEER and accordingly agrees that AUCTIONEER is entitled to monetary damages against OWNER for sad disclosure in an amount of no less than five thousand dollars ($5,000.00). 18. I do hereby authorize Henderson Auctions to act as my ATTORNEY-IN-FACT in signing my name to any and all forms necessary for a transfer of my rights, title and interest in the motor vehicle(s) described below.
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Seller Agreement Collector Motor Series Auction
19. If any terms, conditions, covenant, Agreement, or provision of the Agreement of the application thereof to any circumstance shall, to any extent, be held by a court of competent jurisdiction or by any authorized governmental authority to be invalid, void, or unenforceable, the remainder of the Agreement shall not be affected by such holding, and the remaining terms, conditions, covenants, Agreements and provisions hereof shall continue in full force and effect. This Agreement, including Addendum A – Descriptions of Consigned Assets, constitutes the entire Agreement between the parties and it shall not be changed except by a written document signed by both parties. At the time of signing this Agreement, OWNER has entered into an Agreement to deliver and offer consigned assets for sale by AUCTIONEER. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties and to their respective heirs, successors, and assigns. I have read, understand, and agree to the above terms and conditions. OWNER: ___________________________________________________Date: ______________________ Print Name: ____________________________________________________________________________ By Henderson Auctions: _______________________________________Date: ______________________ Print Name: ____________________________________________________________________________ Along with your collector cars and motorcycles, we would feature a carefully curated number of pieces from your collection in our May 6, 2023, Collector Motor Series Auction. We would then sell approximately half of your total collection in an online only, timed auction the following week. Following these auctions, another attentively curated portion of your collection would then be featured in our October 2023 Collector Motor Series Auction. The remainder of your collection would be presented in an online only, timed auction in the subsequent week.
Executed with a stated effective period ending July 5, 2023.
Questions? Call or Email: Ben Hocevar | 225.363.8488 ben@hendersonauctions.com Auctioneer: J. Henderson AL Lic# 5524
Barber Vintage Motorsports Museum | Birmingham, AL Saturday | May 6, 2023 & October 2023 | 10am
Henderson Auctions Collector Motor Series ADDENDUM A | Description of Consigned Assets Commemorative Buyer’s Catalog:
Approved Photos and Descriptions need to be submitted no later than Friday, April 21, 2023 for placement in the Commemorative Buyer’s Catalog. Website & Advertising: Approved Photos and Descriptions need to be submitted no later than Thursday, April 27, 2023 at 4pm. #1 Vehicle/Motorcycle Description: Without Reserve (Initial Here) _____________ or Reserve (Initial Here) ______________ ($______________________)
#2 Vehicle/Motorcycle Description: Without Reserve (Initial Here) _____________ or Reserve (Initial Here) ______________ ($______________________)
#3 Vehicle/Motorcycle Description: Without Reserve (Initial Here) _____________ or Reserve (Initial Here) ______________ ($______________________)
#4 Vehicle/Motorcycle Description: Without Reserve (Initial Here) _____________ or Reserve (Initial Here) ______________ ($______________________)
Page 6 | Owner Initials _________
REPRESENTATIVE _________________________________
Jim Bruce
Physical Address ____8570 Wildwood Dr. _____________
City, State, Zip ______Denham Springs, LA 70706_______
Mailing Address ______8570 Wildwood Dr. ____________ Phone ______225-205-6054_________________________ City, State, Zip _____Denham Springs, LA 70706 ______ Email jhbruce@yahoo.com__ TERMS: BUYER : SUCCESSFUL BIDDER AT AUCTION | OWNER : SELLER AND CONSIGNOR OF AUCTION ITEM(S) | AUCTIONEER : HENDERSON AUCTIONS CLOSING: THE COMPLETION OF TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP TITLE OF AUCTION ITEM FROM OWNER TO BUYER. This Auction Agreement is entered into by HENDERSON AUCTIONS of Livingston, Louisiana, hereinafter referred to as AUCTIONEER , and OWNER listed above Hereinafter collectively referred to as OWNER under the following terms and conditions: Henderson Auctions agree to conduct a public online-only auction sale of the items of property described on attached addendum A Online Auction Bidding Open Date : ____Monday, May 8 th | 9am CT _________________________ Online Auction Bidding Closing Date: __ _ Friday, May 12 th | starting at 11am CT (Possibly two days depending on the amount of lots)_________ (1). OWNER agrees to pay AUCTIONEER for the services rendered by AUCTIONEER a commission of _15_% of the gross receipts from all sales of the Property made during the effective period of this Auction Agreement whether such sales are made at public auction, by private sale or in any other manner. The effective period of this Auction Agreement will begin on the execution date of this contract and will continue Ninety (90) consecutive calendar days beyond the closing date of the auction. If for any reason, OWNER breaches this term and sells or causes to be sold any of the property described in this agreement, save and except through the AUCTIONEER, OWNER owes AUCTIONEER the agreed upon full commission based on fair market value of listed property plus a 25% penalty fee. (2). AUCTIONEER agrees to prepare all advertising material and publicity necessary to advertise and promote the auction and shall be paid the sum of $__0____ for same. Special Terms of Sale can be found on Addendum A to this agreement. (3). $50 Title Fee for each titled item. (4). $25 Minimum Commission Fee on All Lots (5). OWNER and AUCTIONEER agree that all checks shall be made payable to HENDERSON AUCTIONS. AUCTIONEER will be allowed a period of 15 banking days from the sale date in which to remit OWNER’s portion of the proceeds from said auction. AUCTIONEER will provide OWNER with a written itemization of Property sold, the selling price, and the actual dollar amount received, therefore. (6). AUCTIONEER shall use OWNER’s name and act on behalf of OWNER fully and to the same extent as OWNER could do personally, to execute all necessary deeds (if any), Bills of Sale, conveyances and other instruments of every nature necessary or appropriate to the carrying out the power of sale herein granted and the transfer of title to the Property herein described to the respective buyers thereof; provided, however, that AUCTIONEER shall not make or provide buyers or any other persons with any oral or written representations or warranties on OWNER’s behalf relating to any items of Property, which Property shall be sold “AS IS, WHERE IS, AND WITH ALL FAULTS” in each instance. (7). OWNER hereby agrees to sell the above-mentioned Property to the highest bidder and deliver to the purchaser Bill of Sale, Titles, free and clear of ALL liens and encumbrances. (8). OWNER promises and agrees that the listed Property (except where such Property will be located and auctioned off-site) will be available for viewing _10_ days prior to the auction date, and in the event of a failure of OWNER to deliver said Property (except when caused by an event such as an Act of God, or theft of the Property) reasonably in advance of the auction date, or if OWNER shall materially breach this contract, said OWNER agrees to pay the full commission as provided above plus any other actual damages that may occur, including attorney fees and court costs, to AUCTIONEER directly due to OWNER’s breach of this contract or unexcused failure to deliver. In such instance, the commission is to be based on the fair market value of said Property. In no event will AUCTIONEER be liable to OWNER for indirect, special, consequential or exemplary damages, including, but not limited to, losses of profits, business or opportunities. (9). AUCTIONEER shall have the right, after receiving their compensation as provided herein, to use the residual funds to the extent required to first pay true, verified liens, if any, which are shown in the exhibits attached hereto or which may be brought to their attention and which are not listed in said exhibits. (10). OWNER agrees to hold AUCTIONEER free from any damages or losses that may occur to equipment or merchandise while preparing for said auction, except in the case of gross negligence or willful misconduct by AUCTIONEER. (11). Default by BUYER. In the event of default by the BUYER, including failure to pay for items at close of Auction: a. AUCTIONEER, at his sole discretion, may terminate this Agreement with no further obligation on the part of the OWNER or AUCTIONEER, in which case the Auction items that are not paid for would remain in the possession of the OWNER; OR AUCTIONEER, at his sole discretion, may continue to market the Auction items until the expiration date of the Agreement, applying all terms and fees set forth in the Agreement. b. OWNER, in cooperation with AUCTIONEER, may seek specific performance against BUYER for the enforcement of BUYER’s obligations under Louisiana Law, including but not limited to the payment of the Purchase Price. c. OWNER shall not be entitled to any other remedy except as set forth above. This Agreement, including the Exhibits attached hereto, constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and it shall not be changed except by a written document signed by both parties. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties and to their respective heirs, successors and assigns. I have read, understand, and agree to the above terms and conditions. OWNER __________________________________ REPRESENTATIVE ________________________________ By: Title: Date: __________________
_______ Date: _________________
Executed with a stated effective period ending ________________________.
13340 Florida Blvd. | P.O. Box 336 | Livingston, LA 70754 | Office 225.686-2252 | Fax 225.686.0647
ADDENDUM A TERMS: BUYER : SUCCESSFUL BIDDER AT AUCTION | OWNER : SELLER AND CONSIGNOR OF AUCTION ITEM(S) | AUCTIONEER : HENDERSON AUCTIONS CLOSING: THE COMPLETION OF TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP TITLE OF AUCTION ITEM FROM OWNER TO BUYER. This Auction Agreement is entered into by HENDERSON AUCTIONS of Livingston, Louisiana, hereinafter referred to as AUCTIONEER , and OWNER listed above Hereinafter collectively referred to as OWNER under the following terms and conditions: Henderson Auctions agree to conduct a public online-only auction sale of the items of property described below: Online Auction Bidding Open Date : ____Monday, May 8 th | 9am CT _________________________ Online Auction Bidding Closing Date: __ _ Friday, May 12 th | starting at 11am CT (Possibly two days depending on the amount of lots)__
AUCTION ITEMS LISTED December 2022 through January 2023 our inventory and auction setup crew will catalog, lot, photograph, and get detailed descriptions of the February (Clock Auction), May, and October online only and live auction lots.
SPECIAL TERMS OF SALE: Henderson Auctions will sale approximately half of the Jim Bruce Collection in an online only, timed auction on May 12, 2023 the week after our May 6, 2023 Collector Motor Series Live Auction. Following these auctions, another attentively curated portion of your collection would then be featured in our October 2023 Collector Motor Series Auction. The remainder of your collection would be presented in an online only, timed auction in the subsequent week in late October 2023. Clock Collection Auction Terms: Bidding will open on Monday, February 6, 2023 starting at 9am. Bidding will close on Thursday, February 9, 2023 starting at 11am.
This Agreement, including the Exhibits attached hereto, constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and it shall not be changed except by a written document signed by both parties. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties and to their respective heirs, successors and assigns. I have read, understand, and agree to the above terms and conditions.
REPRESENTATIVE ________________________________
Date: __________________
_______ Date: _________________
Executed with a stated effective period ending ________________________. HENDERSON AUCTIONS Contract version 052021ONLINEAUCTIONAGREEMENT
13340 Florida Blvd. | P.O. Box 336 | Livingston, LA 70754 | Office 225.686-2252 | Fax 225.686.0647
Memorabilia, Collector Car, Jim Bruce Collection Collector Clock, & Motorcycle Auction
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• Tangipahoa Parish Government / Sheriff’s Office • Livingston Parish Water Drainage / Sheriff’s Office • Kelley Brothers - Beamont, TX • Louisiana Dept. of Agriculture & Forestry - Baton Rouge, LA • F & M Mafco - Cincinnati, OH • West Baton Rouge Parish Council • Plaquemines Parish Government / Sheriff’s Office For our Complete Reference List, please contact our sales office at 225-686-2252.
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