NVI Technical College Information
Market Feasibility
Competitive vocational and tech schools are presented which
Executive Summary of this report was about 839 average from 2008
compete with the subject project.
through 2018, whereas the peak period indicated 1,420 students
annually. Due to the COVID-19 restrictions, the management of the
Company has estimated enrollment restricted to about 400 students
As presented in the table on the following page, the Mean Tuition
per 6-month term in year 1 (800 annually) to 600 per 6-month term
Rate among the 10 vocational and tech schools per semester In
in subsequent years. Until the restrictions were lifted by the state,
State is about $13,618 whereas the Maximum is about $23,300 and
this enrollment of about 25 percent of capacity was in-place.
the Minimum is about $5,839. The Annual Tuition Rates indicated
were a Mean of about $27,359, a Maximum of about $46,600 and a
The Enrollment at the competitors ranges from about 286 at
Minimum of about $12,918, In-State.
Automotive Training Center to 11,225 at Universal Technical
Institute. The estimated enrollment rate at the subject project based
Out of State Tuition per Semester ranges from $12,975 for the
on the comparable data appears to be well-supported.
Mean, $21,519 for the Maximum and $7,761 per semester. The
Annual Out of State Tuition Mean is about $26,236, the Maximum is
On-Campus Housing
about $43,037 and the Minimum is about $15,522. These rates
Five of the ten schools surveyed indicated various offerings for On
support the mean rate of $16,982 in 2024-205 and 2025-2026 for
Campus Housing. The rates per semester range from about $2,950
the subject project.
to $18,000. The Company Books, Room & Board, and fees mean at
about $5,079, within the range of the competitors.
Historically, the subject project prior to closing as explained in the
Source: Wert-Berater Feasibility Studies, LLC
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