NVI Technical College Information

Market Feasibility

To become certified, technicians must have at least 2 years of

Snap-on/AYES Tool Plan – Available ONLY to ASE Education

experience (or relevant schooling and 1 year of experience) and pass

Foundation students.

an exam. Technicians who achieve certification in all the foregoing

areas (light vehicle diesel engine certification is not required) may

Student Excellence Program (SEP) The Snap-on “ Student Excellence

earn ASE Master Technician status.

Program ” is a national program available to students enrolled in a

secondary or post-secondary automotive class. To participate,

How to Pay for Certifications and Education

students enroll in the program through the Snap-on website. Once a


Scholarship Opportunities

student enrolls, they are eligible to purchase tools, through the

Visit Automotive Aftermarket Scholarship Central to learn about a

website or through their local Snap-on Industrial Representative, for

variety of scholarship opportunities that can be found through the

a discounted price.

Global Automotive Aftermarket Symposium (GAAS), and more than

20 additional organizations.

Restrictions apply to prevent abuse of the program, such as a limit

to total purchases ($7,500) and a limit of one of each set per

SEMA Scholarships and Loan Forgiveness

student. This discount IS NOT available through the “ white truck ”

Open to post-secondary program incoming freshmen, continuing,

sellers. Also, the Student Starter Set is a much more substantial

part-time and transfer students Get the details here:

discount than the student would receive buying the same tools

https://www.sema.org/scholarships/ - the deadline to apply is March

through the SEP program. In summary, interns can register for this


program and use it to supplement their Student Starter Set.

Source: Wert-Berater Feasibility Studies, LLC, ASE Education Foundation and U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics


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