NVI Technical College Information
Market Feasibility
Still, many new automotive body and glass repairers begin work
The median annual wage for automotive body and related repairers
without previous training. Industry certification is becoming
was $47,670 in May 2022. The median annual wage for automotive
increasingly important.
glass installers and repairers was $43,700 in May 2022.
Job Outlook
High school, trade and technical school, and community college
Overall employment of automotive body and glass repairers is
programs in collision repair combine hands-on practice and
projected to show little or no change from 2022 to 2032. Despite
technical instruction.
limited employment growth, about 15,100 openings for automotive
body and glass repairers are projected each year, on average, over
Topics usually include electronics, repair cost estimation, and
the decade. Most of those openings are expected to result from the
welding, all of which provide a strong educational foundation for a
need to replace workers who transfer to different occupations or
career as a body repairer.
exit the labor force, such as to retire.
Trade and technical school programs typically award certificates
How to Become an Automotive Body or Glass Repairer
after 6 months to 1 year of study. Some community colleges offer 2
Most employers prefer to hire automotive body and glass repairers
year programs in collision repair. Many of these schools also offer
who have completed a training program in automotive body or
certificates for individual courses, so students can take classes part
glass repair.
time or as needed.
Source: Wert-Berater Feasibility Studies, LLC and U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
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