NVI Technical College Information
Economic Feasibility
It ’ s certainly too early to completely declare victory.
Demand for capital for investment (including significant government
and private outlays on climate change) keeps the 10-year rate from
But — absent another shock like the Russian invasion of Ukraine —
falling, and it reaches its long-run value of around 5% by 2025.
inflation appears to be at manageable levels.
This outcome is consistent with the historical relationship of these
The Deloitte forecast continues to assume that the current inflation
rates under moderate inflation: Should inflation continue to be high,
is “ transitory ” in the sense that it will dissipate over time. Our
the spread between the 10-year note and the Fed funds rate could
baseline forecast shows CPI inflation falling to below 3% by late
continue to rise (as investors account for expected inflation in the
2024. We remain optimistic that today ’ s households and businesses
later years of the note ’ s period). Investors should watch out for the
will likely avoid the unpleasant experiences of long inflation and
possibility of higher interest rates — although by the standards of the
painful disinflation that their predecessors experienced during 1970 –
1970s and 1980s, these rates are still quite low.
Inflation is closer to the Fed ’ s target than you might realize. The low
inflation reported in June and July reflects a decline in the
underlying trend, with some estimates of trend inflation now below
3%. The year-over-year inflation rates often cited in the press are
higher, but the period they cover includes a lot of “ oldnews. ”
Source: Deloitte
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