NVI Technical College Information
Economic Feasibility
Global exports grew from 13% of global GDP in 1970 to 34% in 2012
Foreign trade
and have stabilized at that level. More recently, the pattern of trade
Recent US trade data has been surprisingly strong considering that
has changed. US imports from China have fallen, and US imports
both China and Europe — two major drivers of the global economy —
from other Asian countries are growing.
are experiencing slower than expected growth. After contributing to
growth for the last four quarters, net exports were slightly negative
This suggests that, while trade patterns may be changing, the United
in Q2 2023. And that ’ s despite a relatively strong dollar coupled with
States remains as fully connected to the rest of the world as it has
high inflation. Petroleum products are part of the story. But exports
been in the past.12 In 2022, exports accounted for 8.6% of GDP,
of automobiles and related products, consumer goods, and capital
above the 8.2% average in the five years before the pandemic.
goods have all grown surprisingly fast over the past year.
Government policy
Our forecast shows US exports growing at a good pace over the
Funding the federal government remains a source of significant risk
five-year horizon as the dollar falls (due to a reduction in global risk)
for the economy. Although the budget deal provided an agreed
and growth picks up abroad. Imports, however, will be restrained by
upon blueprint for House and Senate spending bills, it is becoming
the fall in demand for consumer durables.
less likely that both houses can agree on the details for the 12
appropriations bills by October 1. There is a risk — accounted for in
There is a lot of talk about “ deglobalization, ” meaning a reversal of
our recession scenario — that the US government could experience a
the dramatic increase in international trade that occurred in the past
few decades.
Source: Deloitte
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