NVI Technical College Information
Economic Feasibility
Deloitte ’ s forecast assumes that durable goods spending starts to
2. As consumer services recover, what happens to durable goods?
fall over the next few years as consumer spending “ renormalizes ”
and consumers resume spending on services. While services
The pandemic sparked a remarkable change in consumer spending
spending grows more quickly, total consumer spending slows to a
patterns. Spending on durable consumer goods jumped US$136
level slightly below the rate of household income growth, as the
billion in 2020, while spending on services fell US$473 billion over
excess savings households accumulated during the pandemic period
the same period. Households substituted bicycles, gym equipment,
are exhausted.
and electronics for restaurants, entertainment, and travel. This trend
started reversing after mid-2021, and by the end of 2022, real
There is a silver lining for some households in the tight labor
durable goods purchases were down over 4%.
market/high-inflation environment of the past couple of years. Low
wage workers have seen real wages go up, while high-income
However, consumer purchases of durable goods have started
workers have experienced the greatest erosion in the value of their
growing again. With the exception of motor vehicles, this trend
pay. It remains to be seen whether this reduction in inequality will
seems unlikely to continue. If consumers just return to their
continue, but it ’ s certainly welcome news to lower-wage workers.
prepandemic spending patterns, durable consumer goods sellers
will be looking at a 20% fall in spending. And consumers could
Retirement remains a significant concern for many workers: Even
conceivably spend even less, since the durable goods they
before the crisis, fewer than four in 10 nonretired adults described
previously bought aren ’ t going to wear out that quickly.
their retirement as on track,
Source: Deloitte
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