NVI Technical College Information
New Village Institute Page 31
The following additional (non-ASTM) services were performed as part of this assessment.
Asbestos-Containing Materials (ACMs)
Based on the dates of construction (2003-2008), it is unlikely that ACMs are located within the buildings. As such, no BERs with respect to ACM were identified for the subject property. However, ACM may still be found in some materials, and if discovered during work that will disturb these materials, must be handled in accordance with the National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) and other applicable local, state, and federal regulations.
Lead-Based Paint (LBP)
Based on the dates of construction of the subject property buildings (2003-2008), it is unlikely that LBP is present. VERTEX notes that the subject property is not residentially occupied, or used as a school for grades K-12 or daycare. As such, LBP is not considered a concern to this investigation.
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