NVI Technical College Information
New Village Institute Page 16
Phase I ESA, Former WyoTech University, 500 Innovation Drive & 277, 406 and 408 Cornell Road, Blairsville, Pennsylvania 15717; Prepared for New Village Development, LLC; Prepared by The VERTEX Companies, Inc. (VERTEX), and dated October 2, 2019. At the time of the 2019 VERTEX ESA, the subject property was developed with the current improvements and was unoccupied. The subject property was formerly occupied by WyoTech for use as an automotive and truck repair facility for educational purposes. VERTEX identified no environmental concerns or RECs in connection with the subject property or surrounding properties during the 2019 assessment. As part of the 2019 ESA, VERTEX reviewed a Phase I ESA report prepared by RES in October 1990. The property that was the subject of RES’ assessment totaled 100 acres and included the two parcels that make up the subject property. RES identified the historical agricultural use of the subject property as a potential environmental concern and recommended the collection of five soil and one groundwater samples. These samples were analyzed for pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizer nutrients and no compounds were detected at concentrations exceeding the applicable Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP) action levels at that time. No RECs, CRECs or HRECs were identified.
Refer to Appendix B for a copy of the above-referenced reports.
Prior Ownership
VERTEX obtained subject property ownership information from Indiana County Recorder of Deeds’ Office. The subject property currently is owned by New Village Development, LLC. Available ownership information for this property is summarized below.
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