NVI Technical College Information

Analyst Resume

Donald Safranek, MSc

Professional History

October 1998 to present – Wert-Berater Feasibility Studies, LLC - President

As president and founder of Wert-Berater Feasibility Studies, LLC, Donald has provided

about 100 studies per year since 1998 on a wide array of project and enterprise types

September 1990 to October 1998 – Lehman Brothers Holdings, Inc. Kensington London

around the planet. He is based in Munich, Germany where he leads the branch office for

and Los Angeles, California offices .- Asset Manager for real estate and business equity

Wert-Berater Feasibility Studies, LLC

investments. Portfolio of $700 million to $1.2 billion in assets managed.



The depth of project and enterprise understanding and risk assessment was developed

University of London – Degree of Laws - LLB 2016

through experience at Lehman Brothers where Donald worked alongside the Hatfield

London School of Economics and Political Science – MSc Economics 1991

Philips, Inc. team of risk advisors and asset managers whereas assets which were equity

Rollins College – BA English Literature 1986, BS Physics 1988, BA Economics 1989

investments into a wide array of real estate projects including office, multi- and single

family subdivision and paper lots, condominium, retail, resort, hotel, air cargo, industrial,

Appraisal Institute Courses Completed

factories, distribution, ship salvage and repair, aquaculture, solar & wind energy, RV

Basic Appraisal Principles

parks, truck stops, breweries, gas stations and special use repositioning and new

Basic Appraisal Procedures

construction projects all over the globe from the Middle East and Eastern Central and

National Uniform Standards of Professional Practice (USPAP) Course

Western Europe, Central, South, Central and North America as well as Caribbean markets.

General Appraiser Market Analysis

As Asset Manager keen insight and experience was developed due to hands on

Real Estate Finance Statistics

experience in managing projects alongside project owners. This experience led to the

General Appraiser Market Analysis and Highest and Best Use

current feasibility study business of Wert-Berater Feasibility Studies, LLC as risk

Sales Comparison Approach

assessment and project analysis skills were well honed.

Since 1998 Wert-Berater

Site Valuation and Cost Approach

Feasibility Studies, LLC has provided about 2,000 feasibility studies in 700 industries and

Income Approach parts 1 and 2

30 sectors worldwide.

Report Writing and Case Studies

For more details concerning experience, please view our Experience page at:


Source: Wert-Berater Feasibility Studies, LLC


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