NVI Technical College Information
Financial Feasibility
Breakdown of the Financial Statements
Financial Ratios table on the following page.
Historically 2008
In this section, the financial analysis includes a stabilized 10-year pro
through 2018 the Total Expenses (Less Lease) average was 35.6
forma statement.
This section also includes a Sensitivity and
percent whereas the Maximum was 43.2 percent, and the Minimum
Breakeven Analysis. The Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) is prepared
was about 24.9 percent. This data was extrapolated from actual
based on EBITDA estimated in the base pro forma and the Net
financial statements provided by the management of the Company.
Present Value (NPV) indications are compared with the project cost
Loan Request Summary
as a financial test of feasibility based on industry indicated Discount
The Term Sheet provided by BayFirst National Bank indicated
Rates and EBITDA multipliers provided by DealStats .
$16,900,000 guaranteed by the United States Department of
The Breakeven Analysis is based on a achieving a minimum Debt
Agriculture (USDA), Business and Industry Guaranteed Loan
Service Coverage (DSCR) of 1.2x:1 by reducing tuition revenue and
Program. 80% loan guarantee required. Wall Street Journal Prime
number of students.
The financial analysis presented includes
Rate (currently 8.5%) + 1.50%. The rate will be subject to change
Internal Rate of Return (IRR), Modified Internal Rate of Return
quarterly from the date of the loan with any increase or decrease in
(MIRR) and Debt Service Coverage Ratios (DSCR) annually for each
the base of Wall Street Journal Prime Rate a published daily in the
10-year period.
money rates section of the Wall Street Journal. The payment
amounts to be adjusted with any change in the interest rate. 27
Operating Expenses Assumptions
years. Payment of interest only for the first 24 months of the loan
Historical Revenue, Expenses, Usage and Financial Ratios
then fully amortized for the remaining term of the loan (25 years).
As presented in the Historical Revenue, Expenses, Usage and
Source: Wert-Berater Feasibility Studies, LLC
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