NVI Technical College Information

Technical Feasibility

Risks Related:

be made on the technical feasibility of achieving the levels of


income or production that are projected in the financial

There is no construction related to the subject project. This item is


not applicable.

Historically, the subject project has accommodated about 1,420

students in 2018.

The Company has planned for up to 1,640


students for the 205-2026 period, which is physically possible.

There is no production associated with an educational facility. This

item is not applicable.


The number of students is premised on the in-place contracts in

negotiation as presented in the Market Feasibility section of this

Regulation and Governmental Action


The subject project is the continuance of an existing vocational

education facility. The management of the Company has to-date

Report must also identify any constraints or limitations in these

complied with all federal, state and local regulations – thereby

financial projections and any other facility or design-related

because of their current compliance and experience, this is a low

factors which might affect the success of the enterprise.

risk item.

The improvements at the subject project have been uses as a

vocational educational facility in recent years. There are no known

Report must be based upon verifiable data and contain

limitations, design-related factors which might affect the success of

sufficient information and analysis so that a determination may

the enterprise.

Source: USDA, Wert-Berater Feasibility Studies, LLC and the Management of the Company


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