May 18, 2024 Collector Motor Series Bidder's Package

Seller Agreement Collector Motor Series Auction

4. AUCTIONEER shall use OWNER’S name and in his/her behalf act fully and to the same extent as OWNER could do personally, to execute all necessary deeds, bills of sale, conveyances, and other instruments to every nature necessary or convenient to the carrying out the power of sale herein granted and the transfer of title to the property herein described to the respective buyers thereof. 5. OWNER hereby agrees to sell the above-mentioned property to the highest bidder and deliver to the purchaser Bills of Sale and Titles free and clear of ALL liens and encumbrances. 6. OWNER promises and agrees that the above described property must be delivered to Barber Vintage Motorsports Museum (6030 Barber Motorsports Parkway, Leeds, Alabama 35094) from 7:00am to 8:00pm (CST) on Wednesday, May 15, 2024 and from 7:00am to 8:00pm (CST) or Thursday, May 16, 2024. In the event of a failure of OWNER to deliver said property, or if OWNER shall breach this Agreement, said OWNER agrees to pay the full commission and advertising costs as provided above plus any other damages that may occur to AUCTIONEER due to breach of Agreement or failure to deliver. Commission to be based on the fair market value of said vehicle(s), as determined by the reserve price set by OWNER or value determined by third-party appraiser of AUCTIONEER’s choosing. 7. OWNER agrees that after the execution of this Agreement, and throughout the term of this Agreement, that OWNER will not sell, or cause to be sold, any of the property described in this Agreement, save and except through the AUCTIONEER. 8. AUCTIONEER shall have the right, after receiving their compensation as provided herein, to use the residual funds to first pay true liens which are shown in the exhibits attached hereto or which may be brought to their attention, and which are not listed in said exhibits. 9. There is a $50 Title fee for each titled item. 10. Neither party shall be liable to the other for any inconsequential or direct losses or costs such as loss of profit or loss of sales. 11. The AUCTIONEER must have a copy of the title / registration at the signing of the Auction Agreement and receive the original documents at the time of check-in. 12. In the event of a purchaser’s failure to comply with the terms of sale, we will first attempt to resell the vehicle to another buyer for the same price. Failing that, the sale may be null and void. The Auction Company and/or OWNER may agree to pursue legal action to complete the sale, this may involve sharing the risk and expense of such action. 13. Insurance coverage must be provided against all perils and loss by OWNER including damage caused by another party. OWNER shall indemnify and hold harmless Henderson Auctions and Barber Vintage Motorsports Museum from and against all liability, loss, and damage arising from acts, incident, or accident. OWNER assumes full responsibility for his own consigned assets. Insurance responsibility passes to new buy er when the auctioneer declares vehicle(s) sold. Page 3 | Owner Initials _________

Questions? Call or Email: Ben Hocevar | 225.363.8488 Auctioneer: J. Henderson AL Lic# 5524

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