Blake Photo Time-Line
BRMH EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT 17000 Medical Center Dr Baton Rouge LA 70816
Grondin, Blake John MRN: 12051461, DOB: 2/14/2020, Sex: M Acct #: 72011877124 Adm: 12/5/2020
12/05/2020 - ED in O'Neal - Emergency Dept. (continued)
ED Provider Note (continued)
Some peribronchial cuffing are of the hilum bilaterally possibly viral or reactive airways disease.
The cardiac silhouette is normal in size. The hilar and mediastinal contours are unremarkable.
Osseous structures are appropriate for age.
The Emergency Provider reviewed the vital signs and test results, which are outlined above.
ED Discussion
7:10 PM: Reassessed pt at this time. Discussed with pt's grandmother all pertinent ED information and results. Discussed pt dx and plan of tx. Gave pt's grandmother all f/u and return to the ED instructions. All questions and concerns were addressed at this time. Pt's grandmother expresses understanding of information and instructions, and is comfortable with plan to discharge. Pt is stable for discharge. I have discussed with the patient and/or family/caretaker that currently the patient is stable with no signs of a serious bacterial infection including meningitis, pneumonia, or pyelonephritis., or other infectious, respiratory, cardiac, toxic, or other EMC. However, serious infection may be present in a mild, early form, and the patient may develop a worse infection over the next few days. Family/caretaker should bring their child back to ED immediately if there are any mental status changes, persistent vomiting, new rash, difficulty breathing, or any other change in the child's condition that concerns them.
ED Medication(s): Medications levalbuterol nebulizer solution 0.63 mg (0.63 mg Nebulization Given 12/5/20 1759) prednisoLONE 15 mg/5 mL syrup 5.01 mg (5.01 mg Oral Given 12/5/20 1834)
Medical Decision Making
Medical Decision Making : Clinical Tests: Lab Tests: Ordered and Reviewed Radiological Study: Ordered and Reviewed
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