Blake Photo Time-Line

BRMH EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT 17000 Medical Center Dr Baton Rouge LA 70816

Grondin, Blake John MRN: 12051461, DOB: 2/14/2020, Sex: M Acct #: 72011877124 Adm: 12/5/2020

12/05/2020 - ED in O'Neal - Emergency Dept.

ED Arrival Information



Acuity Urgent

Means of arrival Personal Transportation


12/5/2020 17:28

Escorted by

Service Emergency Medicine

Admission type Emergency

Chief Complaint Shortness of Breath


Arrival complaint wheezing

Patient as-of Visit

Allergies as of 12/5/2020

Allergies last reviewed by Lindsay M. Gauthreaux, LPN on 12/5/2020 1834 No Known Allergies

Immunizations as of 12/5/2020 Immunization

Administered On

DTaP / HiB / IPV

04/27/2020, 07/09/2020, 09/03/2020 02/14/2020, 04/27/2020, 09/03/2020 04/27/2020, 07/09/2020, 09/03/2020 04/27/2020, 07/09/2020, 09/03/2020

Hepatitis B, Pediatric/Adolescent Pneumococcal Conjugate - 13 Valent

Rotavirus Pentavalent

ED Provider Note


ED Provider Notes by Michelle E Carley, MD at 12/5/2020 1747 Author: Michelle E Carley, MD

Service: Emergency Medicine

Author Type: Physician

Filed: 12/8/2020 10:12 AM

Date of Service: 12/5/2020 5:47 PM Status: Signed

Editor: Michelle E Carley, MD (Physician)

SCRIBE #1 NOTE : I, Shirley Tran, am scribing for, and in the presence of, Michelle E Carley, MD. I have scribed the entire note.


Chief Complaint Patient presents with • Shortness of Breath

wheezing x 4 days with fever and coughing.

Review of patient's allergies indicates: No Known Allergies History of Present Illness HPI

12/5/2020, 5:47 PM History obtained from the grandmother

History of Present Illness: Blake John Grondin is a 9 m.o. male patient who is brought by grandmother to the Emergency Department for evaluation of worsening wheezing which onset a few days ago. Pt goes to daycare daily. Generated on 7/19/22 2:38 PM Page 42

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