Blake Photo Time-Line

BRMH EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT 17000 Medical Center Dr Baton Rouge LA 70816

Grondin, Blake John MRN: 12051461, DOB: 2/14/2020, Sex: M Acct #: 72013267927 Adm: 5/16/2021

05/16/2021 - ED in O'Neal - Emergency Dept. (continued)

ED Provider Note (continued)

Medical Decision Making

Scribe Attestation: Scribe #1: I performed the above scribed service and the documentation accurately describes the services I performed. I attest to the accuracy of the note. 05/16/2021 9:29 AM Attending: Physician Attestation Statement for Scribe #1: I, Nathan P. Freeman, MD, personally performed the services described in this documentation, as scribed by Taylor Dejean, in my presence, and it is both accurate and complete.

Clinical Impression



1. 2. 3.

Acute mucoid otitis media of right ear

H65.111 381.02 H92.01 388.70 J06.9 465.9

Right ear pain

URTI (acute upper respiratory infection)

Disposition: Disposition: Discharged Condition: Stable

Nathan P. Freeman, MD 05/16/21 0940

Electronically signed by Nathan P. Freeman, MD at 5/16/2021 9:40 AM

Generated on 7/19/22 2:38 PM

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