6-25-2022 Collector Motor Series

March 31, 2022 Mr. Dale McCulloch Jones Family Foundation Mt. Juliet, Tennessee

Dear Mr. McCulloch,

Following this letter, please find some information about our upcoming Collector Motor Series Auction to be held June 25th at the Barber Vintage Motorsports Museum in Birmingham, Alabama. As I mentioned in our telephone conversation, I believe that this auction would be the ideal venue for the disposition of the collection owned by the foundation. The Barber facility is an incredible venue and a sight to behold for vintage motoring enthusiasts. We will be putting on a first-class, live auction with bidder participation from throughout the USA and around the world. Henderson Auctions has been a leader in the auction business for sixty-five years. We enjoy an outstanding reputation and have had great success with collector car auctions. Our new venture with the fine folks at Barber has provided the backdrop for regularly scheduled collector motoring auctions. You will find among the materials provided, our standard buyer and seller agreements, terms and conditions for our auctions, some marketing materials, and some photos of the cars that we anticipate will be in the June 25th auction. You will see that our standard commission rates depend on how a seller wants to submit his vehicles for auction. Regarding the Jones Family Foundation collection, we can offer a significantly discounted sales commission rate if the entire (or vast bulk of the) car collection is committed to the auction. We will help arrange transportation and vehicle preparation (detailing, etc.) prior to the auction. However, I would prefer to meet you face to face and have a look at the collection in person before committing to a specific commission or a certain plan of action. For instance, other options may include holding an auction on-site where the cars are currently located. If we can work out a time to meet in person, I will travel to Nashville to meet you. After reviewing these materials, please call me to discuss scheduling my visit. My cell phone number is (225) 819-7740.

Kindest regards,

Lawrence Green, CEO




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